Well, the ringing phone has started to die down from the 1st mailers. I ended up with 26 solid call backs + 4 call back from real estate agents (the folks handed the letter to their agents apparently) for a total of 30 responses. I haven't followed up with the agents yet so I can track the houses but I'll get that done tomorrow.
"Kinda"-Final Results (I'm sure there is still a call or two out there):
- 30 Calls = 6% response rate
- 6 of the callers already had their home listed w/an agent
- 1 of the calls was the "never call me again" voicemail (ironic since I never actually called anybody that didn't call me first).
- 2 of the calls were the "We're not considering selling at this time but thanks for the letter" types.
- 12 were tire kickers - I've added them to the follow up schedule.
- 3 I'm still playing phone tag with but they all have called back at least one additional time.
- 4 are in the "somewhat" motivated stage.
- 2 are in the "REALLY" motivated category - both are out of town and we're setting up times to get into the houses.
One interesting thing I have found (those of you that are pros at this probably already know this) the more I could just listen and get them talking the better off I was. At least 4 of the callers owned multiple houses. 2 of the leads I'm working have multiple houses that they would consider selling. And one of the "REALLY" motivated leads has 3 houses she wants to sell! It made me realize that I need to focus on getting them talking, asking open ended questions and never push to close in these initial phone calls.
Thanks for all the suggestions, advice and input - any many thanks to Jerry Puckett for helping me with this! Can't wait to get the next 500 new names out now!!!