Option 4. Just buy a bigger umbrella.
In my state (illinois) I have personally been in the courtroom when land trusts and LLCs get pierced. Here's what I have seen:
1. Property owners get sued for a walgreens on land in a blind trust. Plaintiff brings a motion for the trustee to reveal the beneficiaries of the blind trust. The motion is granted without any objection by the trustee. The beneficiaries are then named in the amended lawsuit which then gets filed. SOME LAYER OF PROTECTION THERE, HUH?
2. Trucking company owners are sued even though the company was in an LLC and all its operations were done through the LLC. Judge said "this looks like a shell game." Allows owners -- who fortunately had more than enough insurance -- to be sued personally.
3. Giant $100 million annual revenue plus company is sued. Company is structured so the manufacturer has all the assets and the transportation division is a separate LLC has all the liabilities and none of the assets. A federal judge (no slouch either, very well respected) granted the motion to treat the company as one big slush fund because they were hiding assets and deliberately strucuturing it to be judgment proof. In this one case given the huge liability there may not have been sufficient insurance to cover the loss as there were several dead and injured.
I'm not your lawyer. And I'm not trying to sell you anything. And this is not legal advice. And this was in a very pro-plaintiff state (but not the federal court). But my advice is to just get big umbrella policies. They're cheap. $1 million is like $3-400 per milllion. And if someone is trying to sell you some complicated structure in the name of asset protection, maybe talk to an insurance broker first?