Section 8 - either you love or hate it. Everyone keeps talking about how great it is and just set your processes around them. But there is a lot more to this and it starts with actually reading the contract you're signing!
See our short list:
Here are just a few items in the Housing Assistance Payments Contract that keeps us from accepting section 8
1. The owner must give the PHA any information on rents charged by owner for other unit.
2. PHA shall not be obligated to pay any late payment if HUD determines that late payment by PHA is beyond the PHA's control.
3. HUD shall have full & free access to contract unit, premises, & all
accounts & other records of the owner that are relevant to HAP
4. The owner must grant such access to computerized or
other electronic records & to any computers, facilities & must
provide any information or assistance needed to access the records.
5. PHA failure to pay the owner is not a violation of the lease. The owner may not terminate the tenancy for nonpayment.
6. Must give 90 days notice to vacate
As you can see there are a number of reason not to take section 8. We will
not allow them full access to any of our computers, smart phones,
office and so on.