@Jeffrey McKee It is unethical for a Realtor to contact the owner directly. However, it is not illegal for you to research on your OWN who the seller is and contact them directly.
I have had this happen before as well. I have had active, interested buyers who are unable to view a property because the listing agent was a flake. I will flat out tell the buyer that it is up to them how THEY decide to act on the property, and in the meantime continue to show them other suitable properties. Unsurprisingly, all attempts my buyers have made to connect with sellers individually has failed once the listing agent became involved.
Agents don't like to look bad, even if they are flakes. A listing agent has already built up a relationship with the sellers as a trustworthy person; so much so that they are entrusting that person with perhaps their biggest asset. While a successful deal can be had, I have never failed to find a more suitable property for my clients in the length of time it takes the listing agent to respond.
Frankly, dealing with deadbeat agents is a waste of time.
I wish you success in finding the property that is right for you!