When it comes to financing these properties they typically fall under SBA, USDA B&I, or HUD loans.
SBA- This program is for owner-occupied properties. These loans are recourse so your experience, and credit score, are of prime consideration in the underwriting process. Still, the terms are good, and you can use SBA loans for working capital, equipment, and for the purchase of real estate.
USDA B&I- This program is good for facilities located in more rural settings. Job creation/retention makes a difference with this program and leased properties will not qualify. Experience matters here too, but a borrower can obtain good terms with this loan as well. The good thing about this program is a borrower can use it for investment properties.
HUD- This loan is better suited for larger projects (2M and up). Fantastic terms, but not a cheap loan to obtain. Still, this is one of the only non-recourse loans left. Experience is a definite must since the loan amount typically means the facilities are fairly large. Most often a management company is in play due to the number of beds.
There is your quick snapshot of the 3 primary means of financing these facilities.