Looking for properties when you are half a world away must be a daunting task.
Already knowing which US market you want to invest in definitely makes your job easier so you have that going for you.
My suggestion would be to start searching for turnkey property sellers in CA. That search should give you some options where you can start to narrow your selection down from there.
Once you find a list of sellers, it becomes a process of elimination. By doing your DD of the sellers you find, you can start to eliminate them based on what your investing criteria is. Hopefully, what you'll be left with will allow you to start looking for properties in earnest.
I'm sure there are a lot of factors you are personally look for in a property (market, ROI, price point, vetting process of the tenant, price of property management, perhaps if they offer any seller financing, etc.).
Your vetting process of the sellers you find should help to make your path to investing here much clearer.