That's a good point. Hopefully by that point my credit will be in a better spot. If I push the balloon out to 4 years, the BK will be off my record.
I sat down with the owner today and the problem is that he says that he is paying $800 a month for 10 years mort on the properties. It appears that they cashed out some of the equity in the properties and put some into one of the homes. It sounds like he maybe willing to continue to pay some of that payment even though I would take the homes on land contract. He was pretty much out of it. Was totally unprepared. I guess the ex-wife handled all of the financial affairs. He doesn't even know what his pay off is on the homes. There is a possibility that his pay off is much more then I am willing to pay, so I would tend to think that if it is, then the conversation is pointless unless he can come up with the difference.
I am not sure how to work this deal nor can I really until I have more information. Either way I am not paying more for the properties then I am willing to. I will know more about his situtation hopefully by the begining of this week.