Originally posted by Jeff Tumbarello:
Passive income is generally a sales pitch.
Yes, this is another area where the guru-sleeze has bastardized a phrase through marketing.
Please name one that requires no work?
good old motivational fluff, great words no substance.....
Let's clear up some confusion.
For the purposes of the tax code, there is passive and active INCOME and it is in your best interest to have as much of your income be PASSIVE as possible. Passive income, as defined by the IRS is only subject to income tax, it is not subject to FICA or Mediscare. As an aside, you want as many of your deductions to be active income related as possible.
But, the way most people talk about passive income is really not passive. The example Harrison gave still requires work on his part. However, it is work that is not manual or menial in nature. The work relates to using his mind instead of his physical labor.
This is true to an extent. But, I look at from the perspective of how much continual motivation one needs. Helping someone push past an obstacle be it fear, lack of knowledge, etc is far different than having to remind them over and over again to do the basic things one must do to succeed. Things like, getting an alarm clock and learning how to use it come to mind.