The only thing keeping us ever more dependent of "foreign oil" are the left-wing whackos.
The US has known oil reserves exceeding the identified reserves in Saudi Arabia. It is suspected we have oil reserves matching the reserves on the Arabian peninsula. Yet, we aren't allowed to tap our reserves in the Gulf of Mexico, off the California coast and in Alaska.
We have the largest known reserves of natural gas in the world but are limited in our ability to tap them because of purely political reasons like we have with oil.
We aren't allowed to expand our use of nuclear power either. Never mind that no one in this country has ever even been made mildly sick due to a nuclear reactor accident. The whackos who don't understand it stand in the way of using the best alternative to fossil fuels currently known to mankind.
But, the energy source we have in the most abundance is coal and we have the technology to use it without polluting the atmosphere. Yet, we aren't allowed to do so and Obama the Chosen One wants to bankrupt the coal industry to encourage renewable alternatives.
We are in very interesting times indeed.