@Jackie Mesa Hi Jackie! The answer to your question is Maybe. The first thing you need to decide is do you want in invest passively or do you want to be an active investor? If you want to be active, how much time do you have and how flexible is your current job or situation? Then you need to ask, do you want to be a landlord and start small with Single Family and grow slow or do you like another asset class: Multifamily (Apartments), Storage Units, Mobile Homes, Residential Assisted Living. You definitely have choices. If you want to be an active investor and are ok being a landlord...and decide to start with a single family rental...You are limited to the amount of money and time that you have available. If you want to hire a management company to manage a single family or even a small multifamiy, you are looking at paying them around 10% of your income. Just something to consider.
You could also consider joining a syndication (in any of these asset classes) as a passive investor or possibly as a general partner, if that is your goal. The advanctage to being a part of a syndication...is that you have the ability to be a part of a much larger investment opportunity than you would alone.
No matter what you choose to invest in, and no matter if you choose to be a passive investor or an active investor...I strongly suggest you learn about the asset type you are interested in. If it is small multifamily, large apartments (which is what we do and teach), storage units, mobile home parks, residential assisted living...Please learn what you can about the industry, basically how to analyze the deals, things to look out for, questions to ask...and ABSOLUTELY research your potential syndicators, partners, educators.
Please let me know if you have any questions. If you are interested in Mobile Home Parks or Residential Assisted Living...I can refer you to people I know investing in these.
Good Luck in making your 1st Real Estate Investment!!! This is very exciting!