@Carlos Casanueva Hi Carlos! There are definitely pros and cons to both. We started off in small MF years ago!!! We have over 2600 units now...mostly through syndication. We are passive investors as well as syndicators, so I understand both sides of the coin.
Syndicating larger deals is our sweet spot now...but not without its own struggles. Partnerships are great...but they can also be a source of contention.
Getting out of a bad partnership is harder than getting out of bad marriage. So...If you opt for partnership and syndication...Prepare for the worst case scenario in your contracts and hope for the best.
You have to understand the pros and cons of both syndication and partnerships and decide what is best for you.
We have (1) 8 unit property now and just sold an 8 unit...and for the most part, buying 100 units is the same amount of work. Actually our 200+ units are the easiest. If you are considering a 40-50 unit through syndication (using other people's money)...why limit it to 40-50 units? With 100 or more units, you can consider using a 3rd party property management company to run the staffing, leasing, etc...and you can manage them as asset manager. This will give you the ability to work on your business...to go Bigger - Faster - and not as much IN the business.
The advantage to staying in the 10-12 unit zone and managing yourself...
(1) There tends to be less competition for the smaller units
(2) You don't have to worry about conforming to the SEC Requirements of a Syndication (but easy to learn if you wish)
(3) You don't have to worry about a partnership - which can be awesome or nightmarish (WE have stories of BOTH!).
It is definitely a personal decision. I think you need to decide if you enjoy the full hands on experience of self management...and if you want to continue to invest the time.
Hope this helps some. Good luck in your decision making. Real Estate Investing is very exciting business!