@Harvey Levin
Yep, both property taxes and my yearly insurance are due here within the next month so that's definitely a wrinkle - but do-able and again, easier to tackle if you're not also scraping money together for a mortgage as well. Awesome that yours are paid for too. The cash-flow is indeed nice - just not this month. LOL
As for the ransomware attack, I've heard about the same timeline for a possible resolution - not a quick thing to rectify. I can hold out that long but when I spoke to the regional office on Monday, they indicated they are beginning to gather names and were planning on starting to send out physical checks next week. That said... not holding my breath for sure. It IS the Federal government after all. I'm no attorney either but you and I are eye-to-eye on everything you said - I think you are spot on.
Thanks for the news clip!
One other thing I think most people are unaware of is just how much "assistance" that S8 provides. I think most people believe S8 covers a small portion of someone's rent. In every S8 tenant I've had, the S8 portion of the rent is around 80% or more. If that's the case with even half of their clients, then landlords are out a massive amount of rent and it could cause some serious issues as you indicated.