I get the probate info straight out of the newspaper in our city, and the executor's name is listed. I even mail to attorneys if they happen to be the person listed.
The person that normally contacts me is the executor/administrator and this is usually a family member. One of the first things I want to know is, "are you the executor"? If they are not the ones calling, then you need to know why. I have had cases where the actual executor is elderly and a son or daughter will be calling for them. I want to extablish right up front who I am talking to because you don't want to waste a lot of time talking to someone that doesn't have to ability to sell the house.
I take all the property information on the house, and I usually try to look up the house on the PVA (to see what the house actually looks like) when I am talking to the seller.
When we first enter these houses into our database from the newspaper, we look up the house on the PVA at that time to note the tax value and any other details that we think we might need. When someone calls me, I pull the house up in my database and look at the information that we have already gathered. The second time I look it up on the PVA, is just so that I can see what it actually looks like as I am talking to the caller.
I will try to determine if I have a motivated seller. If the answer is yes or even maybe (sometimes), then I will make an appointment to see the house.
I write up a "cash offer" even though I will be flipping it to another investor to rehab as that person will be paying me cash. As for what I offer, my starting point is the same for all houses. 70% of the ARV (after repaired value) less repairs, less what I want to make. That is my offer. I will typically be looking at buying houses that are either "distressed properties" or properties that are really "ugly" and haven't been updated in decades. If the house is in good condition then they are going to sell it retail, and I am the first person to tell them that I am not their best option. I let them know they should list it.
I hope this helps.