AB 1436 Allows Tenants to Live Rent Free for Years
Tell the State Legislature to vote NO
This is from Time magazine too how devistating the eviction moratorium is on small landlords and how theres very little help for small biz landlord
Oppose AB 1436 Now
San Francisco Assembly Member David Chiu just unveiled AB 1436, a proposal to force landlords to defer rents for 15 months after a state or local state of emergency is lifted - which can translate to years of unpaid rent - if a tenant is unable - or unwilling - to pay rent due to COVID-19.
CAA is committed to finding common sense solutions to help tenants remain in their homes and ensure rental owners receive the income they’re entitled to so they can pay their obligations and continue to provide quality housing. State and local governments must continue to find ways to help residents financially impacted by COVID-19 keep a roof over their heads.
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