@Sai Kiran Unsustainable is a word that comes to mind. I also watched the video today and am not sure I agree with his argument 100% but is certainly calling out an anomaly that no one wants to pay any attention to right now. However, I have also been tracking and observing the same shift he explains.
Going against the narrative of the times is tough and you will usually not make a lot of friends that way. Just look at how the mortgage bankers laughed Peter Schiff out of the room when he said a mortgage crises was coming in 2007. I am certain you will see many people come in here and comment how this time is different, well I am here to tell you that is what they always say!
My crystal ball is broken but I do not see an abrupt crash in prices coming this year due to all the printed cash (some 25% of the total worldwide money supply created in the last 12 months) but certainly data is showing a cooling off period is in store somewhere in the near future. That said, if several events collide at once, all bets are off. Think of Bitcoin and other Crypto crashing to $0, stock market declining 20%+, Tesla filing for bankruptcy, eviction and foreclosure moratorium expiring, oil at $150/barrel, Fed raising rates to combat hyperinflation, interest rates on 10 year treasuries going to 3%+, China invading Taiwan, and more civil unrest in USA all happen before the end of the year....Austin market and every other real estate market will plummet quick.
No one can tell the future, and anyone who attests to knowing what will happen is a fool, but understanding what risks are out there in the micro and macro are part of being an educated investor that makes calculated risk based investments.