Short-Term Residential Rental – CDC Sections 1-104.B & 3-919
• While Clearwater benefits, encourages and celebrates tourism, the city’s Code Compliance Division reminds residential property owners that the city enforces its shortterm rental ordinance. In residential districts, the city doesn’t allow a property owner to lease or rent their property for short-term periods, which is anything less than 31 days or a calendar month. Residential property owners who wish to rent their property can advertise for monthly rentals; they cannot advertise for daily or weekly rentals.
• A residential use located on a residentially zoned property shall not include rentals for less than 31 days or one calendar month, whichever is less, or which is advertised or held out to the public as a place rented for periods of less than 31 days or one calendar month, whichever is less. A residential use located on residentially zoned property shall not include an interval ownership, a fractional ownership or a timesharing unit.