I just recieved the contract for the option. Can you all take a look for me? does the contract fee goes to the total payment?
"No Credits. There is NO credit applied to the purchase price for improvements or
additions to the property. There is NO credit applied to the purchase price for any of the
rental amount paid during the term of the lease. There will be no payment for or
reimbursement issued for any repairs, improvements or additions to the property.
7. Contract Payment.
a. The fee for this Contract is $ 18,000.00, and is for the right to be granted an Option to
Purchase at the end of 1 year or in the time frame allowed herein. This fee is
NON-REFUNDABLE for any reason whatsoever unless the Seller is not able to deliver
marketable title to the Buyer at time of closing. ______________ Lessee’s initials
b. At the Time the Option is exercised, full credit will be given for the amount of this
contract fee payment on the lessees account on the HUD-1 form.
c. This Contract Payment is NOT A SECURITY DEPOSIT. _____________ Lessee’s Initial."