It’s been 7 long months of generating a list of leads that fit my criteria, mailing them calling them making offers and still getting no where and I am here because my goal deadline is coming closer and closer and I want to do all it takes to hit my goal or finally closing a deal by the end of 2020 TOTALLY POSSIBLE!
I will start here. Using systems to generate leads in the beginning of my journey wasn’t the best experience and since then I’ve found a way to have someone knowledgeable do so for me. With that being said I have 150 leads that’s are solid leads in my criteria that I reach out to.. only thing I’m not getting anywhere.
Should I stop the cold calls and direct message? Is there a better way to generate leads? Is there a certain approach? Am I in a dead zone here in Rhode Island?
This is the only focus I have to be an REI and I am trying my best just a little lost. I've had a mentor but ended up a personal assistant I just want to be great and make something of myself.