Parking is the huge variable that you left out, but you are talking about 29 units per acre, that's basically garden apartment density. Actually, on the low side of it (28-32 is a good assumption). I would guess that you'll be able to fit all 89 apartments on that site.
Your building efficiency is really low, it's going to be a lot higher than that, you can get as high as 95% and as low as around 85%. 65% would be a particularly poor example of a breezeway product.
San Diego? FAR is 1.35 so it will not be a constraint.
If this is San Diego, they have one of the weirdest most complicated sets of incentives I've seen for everything from ADUs to micro units, and I don't understand it. Plus the state density bonus law. I would talk to an architect that works there to get the real scoop.
This sounds a lot like I am doing homework for you, but you figure out how much you can build by using the lesser of FAR or the net buildable area x your height limit, but you also need to keep in mind that you will likely have a site coverage limit and completely covering a site is expensive because you have to deal with stormwater.