Quote from @Bill B.:
Yes. Especially during blackouts. Their electric grid is already overtaxed before they try to force everyone to buy electric cars. I don’t know if there is a worse use of electricity than heating. Ask people on the east coast about the cost of electric heat. I wonder if this will help prop up used home values. Though new home sale are probably a tiny fraction of sales. I assume the rich will just pipe in gas stoves after the fact.
Of they were serious they’d ban BBQ’s, gas lawn equipment and pets. Today there’s still too much push back,but I assume they’ll get there. This remind me of their requirement that all homes be built with battery back up garage door openers so people who couldn’t figure out how to manually open their garage door could still get out. I wonder how much electricity they would save fi they banned powered garage door openers?
The blackouts aren't caused by excess demand, they are caused by the need to prevent wildfires.
EVs charge at night, if anything adding them to the grid will increase utilization and spread costs out and lower prices by allowing the same capital expenditure to serve more customers.
"The rich" aren't going to get a gas hookup. I suppose they could do propane. More likely they will do induction.
No one cares about the East Coast because we don't have East Coast weather. The lowest temperature ever recorded in Los Angeles is 29°. Heat loads in California homes are so low that the water heater uses as much energy as the furnace. A mini split will use less gas than a furnace will, even if your power plant is gas fired.