@Jim Lunger - I have a differing opinion about big chains. The big chain brokerages have a compelling pitch, with big promises and lots of agents drink the "kool aid".I know agents who work for boutique firms, 100% comission companies or who own their own small brokerages that are every bit as successful as agents working for a big chain. In my area, many of the most productive agents do not work for the big chains. I have nothing against big chains but they are absolutely not vital to your success and many times your net income is much less. With the comission split, monthly fees, processing fees and franchise fees, new agents can net less than 50% of their comissions.
Since you're a new agent, I would interview at the big chains as well as look for some smaller successful brokerages. See what feels the best and give it a try. You can always switch to another brokerage once you gain experience and find your niche.