@Ricardo Lopez Congrats on getting your license! You have many options on the way to run your real estate business and the brokerage is an important piece. I'd be happy to help steer you in the right direction. Before you select a broker, I'd advise you to create your business plan (being a realtor is definitely a small business). Here are some things to consider:
-what area will you be practicing in? Brevard county is large and diverse, it's a good idea to specialize in a locale
-What type of properties do you want to sell? price range, single family, condos?
- How do you learn best? self taught, one on one, webinars, book...
-what value can you offer to your clients?
-How much of your commission are you willing to give up to join a brokerage?
Hopefully you can figure out some of these things prior to meeting with a broker. Many brokers in the area have a strong sales pitch and believe in their value proposition. It's easy to be swayed even if it may not be the best fit for you. Feel free to reach out if I can help you in any way.