Funny stuff. Im generally in small towns, the biggest County I work in is maybe 150,000 people, my current home area the entire county is 32,000, our big "city" is 8,500 but its touristy, so winter is buy time. you tend to know most of the buyers. Our sales are done by the Sheriff or a Deputy, and we need 10% at time of sale and the balance is due within 10 days of confirmation of sale, the judge sees the the transcript from the sale, and can call it unjust, and send it back to sale (doesn't happen often) and usually i'm the only bidder, heck, who can go at 10 AM on a Wednesday the opening bids are published on the Attorney's websites for the most part, and with some exception the ones that dont publish them will tell you with a phone call, or email, bu thats at 4:00-5:00 pm the day before.
Do you get a sheriffs/trustee deed right then and there if you pay in full at time of sale? do you get Writ of assistance to get the people out if occupied? we do here.