People are saying it's illegal to profit from the sale of a property if you're not licensed and/or a principle. That's true and it's not true. The law is very vague. I know people who do "fee agreements" in Illinois all the time. They get paid their fee at the close. However, some attorneys in Illinois won't allow their clients to buy a property that has a fee agreement.
Here's how I see it and I am NOT an attorney. The law has never been tested. In other words, no on has tested the actual law in court, to see if it will stand up. I don't know of one wholesaler who has had legal problems, by getting paid at the closing table. There's a fine line between a broker and a wholesaler when it comes to the law. The realtors want you to believe that you can't get paid, because you're not licensed and they are. It's more like they don't WANT you to get paid, without having a license. So you have realtors fighting for their side and wholesalers fighting for theirs. If you sell someone something on Craigslist and profit from it, do you have to be licensed? Of course not. The realtors want people to think they're violating the law, because their agents pay a lot of money to get a license. You're providing a service to a buyer. Realtors don't want wholesalers infringing on their territory. In my opinion, and again I'm not an attorney, getting paid a fee is perfectly fine. Until someone takes a wholesaler or a "non licensed" person to court and sues, it's perfectly ok to get paid a fee. But please follow what you think is correct. So unless the law gets tested in court and the realtors win, I don't see a problem.