I read some negative comments about TK companies. Even though we rarely sell TK rental properties, because for the most part they don't exist ( in my opinion), we don't keep a lot of them for ourselves because that's not our business model. I think that people need to be very aware of who they're dealing with. Just because a company doesn't keep TK properties, doesn't mean they're a bad investment. I believe Jay mentioned that some providers keep the "problem" properties for themselves, rather than sell them. I think that's true, if they're a reliable company. If you want investors to keep coming back, you HAVE to offer them a good product! Some wholesalers could care less what they sell you. As long as they make a buck, that's all they care about. But they won't last. People see right through that. As far as making money wholesaling, I have quite a few investors that know exactly how much we make on properties and others that would probably be upset if they knew. The ones that would be upset, don't understand the process or how things work. People work to make a living and should get paid for their efforts. We make a reasonable amount of money. Some deals are very good for s and I've also sold properties and only made $1000. It all depends on the deal. But I don't apologize for making money when I sell properties. We' doing a tremendous amount of work behind the scenes. We have to find quality deals, at a fair price. We need to physically go look at each property and determine if it's a deal or no deal. Our contractor has to take time from his work schedule and visit the property, to determine the rehab costs. We have to put put together all of the information, for the investor to make a sound decision. That's only a small part of it. There's a tremendous amount of work that goes into finding a good deal. I would estimate that for every 6 or 8 properties we physically look at, we're lucky if we find one that will work. It requires a lot of time, energy, manpower and yes money, to do that. If it were easy, investors wouldn't need wholesalers! So some of you investors that buy from wholesalers and complain about their profits, give them a break. They do a lot more work than you think.