It may be hard from some people to give specific advice without knowing more about your situation. Check out the different strategies in real estate. There are MANY of them but the key is to find what strategy fits your lifestyle, goals, and path you want to go down. Once you have an idea of the strategy you'd like to pursue, deep dive into that and talk to people in that space. Getting started can be overwhelming for sure. So try not to get suckered into the shiny object syndrome (speaking from experience here, haha)
Based on the information you provided, you could begin looking out of state. I am in Hawaii as well and it really is a tough market for cash flow. But there's opportunity to flip if you partner with someone locally. You can attend meetups to meet people who are in that space. Check out the meetups portion of the forums and search Hawaii. There's a couple this month and they're free to attend.
If you begin looking out of state, I'd still recommend partnering with someone you build a genuine relationship with and trust. It seems you have capital and there are plenty of investors who have the resources and could use a private lender or an equity partner. But it's super important to build a relationship with them before investing. Trust is the most important factor in my opinion.