You've gotten advice from people on both sides on this and I'll join the 30 year side ...I am trying to build a portfolio of 15 leveraged properties within 10 years...if I got 15 year mortgages with higher payments it would take me much longer to save more for the down payments and ultimately would lose alot of opportunity and time. It sounds nice thinking you might save interest go with a shorter term but all your really doing is holding yourself back from growing. If you happen to be found negligent in some manner down the road, a lawyer is going to love that you have paid off property, but if you had high debt and still cash flow well, you would not be a likely target. Let's say you pay off the mortgage and own a 100k property free and clear, your payment lets say for easy math was $500 a month. You are now keeping $500 more in your pocket each month which sounds nice but your forgetting that you have 100k sitting in dead equity that could've been deployed for more rentals earning anywhere from 12-25% or more with leverage. If you are OK with building wealth slowly then the plan works fine but it will hinder your growth with higher payments.