@Katrina M. I thought it was fun to think about as well. I might also try and propose a plan to the property manager if I can come up with something that makes sense.
I like the bonuses for performing above a certain level. What do you think those levels should be? What about reduced fees for not meeting the goal?
I am not sure how I feel about minimizing repairs and maintenance. I would like them to do the appropriate maintenance and repairs and do them cost effectively. I think too often a tenant will call about a garbage disposal that doesnt work and instead of pushing the button on the bottom and unjamming the disposal, they simply replace it.
What about some of these?
Bonus for filling vacancy in a certain time period. 1 week? Penalty for going over a month.
Lease renewals same fee for filling vacancy (put the focus on tenant retention).
Education program for tenants to teach them how to change batteries in thermostat, flip breakers, provide plungers, reset GFCIs.....(anything else?) to reduce maintenance calls
Scheduled preventative maintenance program
Checklists for move in/move out/new properties with timelines.
Obviously the goal is to maximize the return on the property. Having a good management team is critical. My goal isnt to pay my manager less, I would actually prefer to pay them more as the result of good performance and reduction of costs. They should be paid well for a job well done as we all know how hard it can be to find good managers.