@David Faulkner thanks for reaching out! You're correct in that I work with Sam and Fortune Weavers. Perhaps you've been to some of our recent meetups this year and if you haven't, I'll be sure to invite you to our future meetups.
Our mentorship program consists of shared information and education within the fix and flip niche of REI. We have an Academy of students where we teach on the elements of Acquisitions, Raising Capital, and Project Management. Within that structure, we also partner with students on deals where they need us to, we help build their portfolio, and conduct some basic step-by-step mentorship in those areas along the way.
Now the other part of your question, regarding how we "normally arrange your partnership/mentorship program with new investors" for those outside the Academy, such as with what I offered with @Anthony Trujillo individually is on a case-by-case basis. Seems like he has some knowledge already and is just looking to get started in the fix and flip arena. Therefore, (and due to his distance from our Orange County office) the Academy probably isn't a good fit for him but I still offer to work with him on a JV wherever he feels that he has a need. If he needs help in acquisitions and analyzing deals for ROI, then I can help with that. If he needs help funding deals, then I can help with that also. If he needs a local project manager to manage the rehab, then I can help there as well. We can JV on the project(s). He brings some things to the table and I bring others and therefore, we strike an agreement to partner on the deal and share in the profits, fairly and usually equally.
For other newbies that are just wanting to get started and have none of the above, I usually sit down with them and go further in detail the Academy and the mentorship program and see if it's a good fit for them. If not, that's OK because I'm sure there can be opportunities going forward where we can JV on deals if they have a need. It's been my experience that this business is all about conducting ethical business and forming long-term, mutually beneficial relationships and if I can pay it forward and help those along the way, well then I'm doing good business as a result.
I hope that I've answered your questions sufficiently. I'm happy to continue the conversation and happy to answer any other questions. Take care and have a great rest of your day!
Kind Regards,