@Tim G. lol yea I learned alot by reading this thread. People tend to "hate on" wholesalers because most people feel that wholesalers don't really add value. In case you don't know Walmart is a wholesaler and so is Target and Amazon.
Think about it, Walmart doesn't make iPads and Starbucks coffee. They buy those products at a discount and resell them. You could go directly to the brick and mortar distributor and buy at a cheaper price than what you'd buy at Walmart but you'd have to buy allot of product from them.
Good wholesalers do invest money into their business and they do create value. The ones who don't wont last long or will be stomped out by the competition. Back in 2008-2009 you couldn't find a wholesaler now they are coming out the woodwork. I can't tell you how many wholesalers I know here in Nashville but am I worried? No, because I create value and have a good relationship with my buyers. I also have a drive and passion for Real Estate so I am not going anywhere.
Those whole-failers on the other hand will probably blast out a couple of e-mails with fake deals. Get a bad rap from other Agents and Investors. Wonder why they can't sell their deals and probably move on to the next big thing. Who know's maybe they will start selling life insurance or selling acai berry products or rasberry keynotes.