Hi @Jamie Turbyne, in order to improve your changes of being successful at investing in a syndicate you need to be able to evaluate the following:
1) The Sponsor - this is the team of people that source, the deal, get it under contract, define and execute the business plan and who manage the property managers. The most important factors in my opinion are their track record, whether or not they specialize in the asset type/business plan that they are offering
2) The Deal - you should be able to underwrite a deal and if you cannot there are many educational resources that will allow you to learn how to. You should look for conservative assumptions in the underwriting model, especially because of the long trend of declining cap rates / rising prices.
3) The Financing - is there financing in place for the duration of the business plan, are there penalties for refinancing (this is one exit strategy), are the projected rates realistic?
4) The Management Company - look at their track record, do they specialize in the area that the deal is located, do they have experience executing the type of business plan proposed
5) The Market - you need occupancy and ideally higher rental rates to make your investment work. We can be more confident in this if we see employment, population and wage growth, diversity of employment and a balance between supply of apartments and demand
I could go into so much more detail on any of those bullet points but I wanted to give you an idea of what to look for. I would suggest registering with a number of syndicator once you select an area and an asset class so that you can familiarize yourself with the kind of deals that they offer. Good luck!