I don't want to start a political debate, just want to bring this to the attention of all landlords and investors in the state of MD. The House of Delegates passed a bill Monday night that would require landlords to participate in the Section 8 housing program.
MD is not afraid to launch a direct assault on the rights of property owners. I choose not to participate in the Section 8 program. That's my choice, and I don't want the state mandating that I participate. If you feel the same, please contact Baltimore County Senators Jim Brochin and Bobby Zirkin and voice your concerns.
Baltimore County Senators Jim Brochin and Bobby Zirkin sit on that committee, and they are the two members most likely to be the swing votes. If Brochin and Zirkin don't vote against SB-835 and SB-728, then you as an investor will have no choice in regards to participating in the Section 8 housing program.
Biggerpockets prohibits me from posting email and phone numbers for Mr. Brochin and Mr. Zirkin, you can however google them and contact information comes right up.
Democrat, District 42, Baltimore County
Democrat, District 11, Baltimore County