The bank has to agree to take a loss on the property, and they typically have some minimum sale price that they'll agree to sell and take the loss. It takes some time, the process can be very slow, but you can potentially get a very good deal. I purchased a towhnome in Baltimore County that was a short sale about 5 years ago. I got a very good deal, paid about $70K, and rents for $1225/month right now. I did have to put a new roof on, but i was expecting that i would have to put $5k to $10k into it to have it rental ready. The house had been renovated previously, so outside of the roof, all of the repairs needed were cosmetic. You do have to be patient with short sales, and they may not have utilities working during the inspection if you get one. In many cases the owner has already moved out of the house, and utilities may be turned off if that's the case. I pushed and the seller finally agreed to have utilties turned back on for the iinspection. Also, if you plan to finance, some banks may not finance a short sale. I was able to finance it, but eventually i paid the loan off and refinanced a different property to pay off the balance.