@Tyler Hogan I am not a CPA, so you should consult one before making any decisions, but I have spent 8 years studying and implementing personal finance and stock market investing strategies (investing mainly through retirement accounts). My personal opinion is that you should:
1. Invest AT LEAST up to your companies match in a Roth 401k - you cannot leave free money on the table.
1a. If you have a long time horizon/you won’t be retiring for 20+ years, put it in the most aggressive low-cost fund your plan offers. I currently have an S&P 500 fund through my plan for 0.015%. There might be some other funds that have better “expected returns”, but the fees are over 1%, and that’s just unacceptable for me.
2. Save 6-12 months of expenses in an emergency fund in a high-yield savings account - preferably separate from your day-to-day banking.
3. Contribute as much as your comfortable to your Roth IRA. With a Roth IRA you are able to withdraw ANY and ALL contributions (NOT gains) at ANY time. You cannot withdraw any gains from holding securities/funds, but you can withdraw the contributions penalty free. You can invest some of the money into stocks/funds in your Roth IRA if you find good opportunities, or you can leave it in cash until you find a great real estate investment deal you want to pursue. Once you find the deal, you can withdraw it to use.
If you contribute it, you can always take it out penalty free. If you don’t contribute, it might be too late and you can’t make up for those missed contributions.
If something were to happen and you didn't want to use the money for real estate, at least it's still in a Roth IRA to use for retirement. If oh do continue with real estate, you still have that option.
Hope this helps.