@Keith Manchester CapEx and Repairs can vary from state to state, but it more varies with the price of the home. Since the major repairs you'll have to do are relatively the same price regardless of the price of the property, you'll have to allocate a higher percentage of cheaper properties than you would for a more expensive property, so keep that in mind.
If you live in the area, you can estimate the water and sewer yourself, or you should be able to call the town.
CoCROI is Cash on Cash Return on Investment, which the amount of cash you'll receive in year 1 vs. ALL of the cash you had to put into the deal to get it.
Yes, you can use this calculator if it is a house hack. What I do is usually calculate the figures with one less unit (the one you'll be living in). If the cash flow is break-even, that's great, that means you're living for free. If it's a bit negative, that is okay in a house-hack, that just means you'll have to pay that much for your living expense. As long as it isn't close-to, or more than, the amount you'd pay for other living arrangements, it can be a good deal.
That being said, you'll want to run two analyses for a house-hack. The one I just mentioned, for when you live there, and then one for when you eventually leave. You have to make sure that the property makes sense from an investment standpoint when you leave. If it doesn't look good in both analyses, you should pass on the deal.
Hope this helps.
Robert Leonard