When an owner is wiling to carry DON'T HESITATE to ask her to get creative. Pay interest only for 5 years amortized over 25 and make it due at the end of the 5. When the owner carries anything is possible to make the property cashflow.
But being a commercial retail agent the numbers are a little like this. If you were to get more conventional financing at todays current rates.
Rent is (avg): $1.23sq/ft
NOI: $59,040
Depending on leases your expenses are: 52,813 (for debt service, taxes, ins)
Adding in a 5% vacancy factor: You Net proceeds $3,275 a year or $272.92 a month.
BUT I REPEAT if the seller is willing to carry and can get creative there is a reall opportunity to cash flow and get a start in scenarios like this and they are usually flexible in price i see it all the time.
purchase price:600,000
Loan Amount: 500,000
owner carries: 250,000k @ 7%
Traditional finance: 250,000k @ 6.25%
Since a lot of these leases you say are coming due and their rents are low get them on NNN leases. That cuts out ALL the CAM, taxes, ins expenses and you just pay mortgage. This is all based on what youv'e said though i'm not an area expert.
So your total expenses will be around 37-38k and your income will be around 58,800 at current rents (should stay low if you put them on NNN) so you're cash flowing around 21k a year.
Not to say this will happen and i know it's speculation. All i'm trying to address is when the owner is willing to carry GET IMAGINATIVE especially depending on the scenario. I work with buyers who see things one way all the time and we always have to get creative and figure out how the deals make sense for everyone.