Got a voicemail today from an elderly tenant's son-in-law saying after several hospital visits, they have moved her into an assisted living facility and she won;t be returning to her apartment.
She just renewed her lease in Oct. of this year for a year.
She is a sweet little old lady and we are sorry to have her leave but also understand why.
It's winter here, and this will put us at 3 vacancies. If it weren't for the fact that all 3 of these units need new carpet, paint, etc., I wouldn't be too worried. I would just let her go.
I do not see any laws regarding breaking a lease when moving to a care facility. Can I offer them a penalty for breaking the lease rather than trying to make them pay the remaining portion of the lease? Maybe 3 months rent? Just to get me through the worst part of winter. I also don't want to rent this unit out without the renovations I feel it needs, plus I can get a little more money for it.
Of course, I could just let it go. It's Christmas, right?
What would you do or what have you done in similar cases?