This sounds soooo familiar to me. I am an agent in Utah and have rentals in other markets across the US and once had an agent that did almost the exact same things to me. Added to a list and left me to fend for myself when finding deals and took forever to reply on certain things. I found that being completely straightforward with her was the best solution. I told her flat out that her drive was severely lacking and that I felt I could find a much more helpful agent. I gave her a sort of ultimatum that if it didn't improve over the coming weeks that I would have to move on. I hoped she would get the idea but, nothing seemed to change... So I did what I said I would, I let her go. I made her aware of the issues and didn't feel bad at all when she still seemed to not care after our chat. I would recommend doing the same, putting the ball in their court by making them aware of what needs to change really clears you of feeling bad when it doesn't work out and you have to walk away.
You are providing her with business and if she doesn't want to help you there are loads of other agents who would be thrilled to work alongside you! Best of luck!