@Taylor Reichert I know this post is a couple of months old, but it interested me so I couldn't help but to chime in :). I'll answer in the same manner as @Elizabeth Colegrove
How many properties do you manage?
We currently self-manage 2 (both 4plexes).
How much time do you spend managing them?
Same as Elizabeth, about 2 hours a month, unless placing a tenant. If placing a tenant, it increases exponentially: a month when I have to place a tenant probably took 6 or so hours total between background checks, showings, phone calls, and ad placements.
At what point would you think about leaving your job or hiring a Property Manager?
Our plan is once we have a total of 8 properties cash flowing 550-600/month, we will hire a property manager and quit our jobs.
We currently estimate we'll be able to "retire" from our full time jobs and focus solely on investments in approximately a year.
What did you conclude after posting this question?