I would caution that your decision should be based on your own familiarity with working on different trades. You can certainly save money if you self-manage, especially if you know which things to watch out for. However, if for instance you don't know anything about a given trade, there's always the possibility for an unscrupulous tradesman to take advantage. I think we've all met the person who says "check out the deal I got on this plumbing" only to hear the most wildly outrageous ripoff price imaginable.
Me personally, I do a lot of the work myself or manage the subs internally. But I also know how to do a lot of the trades already by myself. But that isn't for everyone. I have friends who barely know which end of the hammer to hold, and for them I'd caution that they might want to at least consider a GC. But as Brian says, you're going to lose budget to the GC.
But the other thing: depending on the project, you may need to spend a ton of time physically meeting and working with contractors. If your career doesn't afford you a lot of free time, that might shift the balance to getting someone else to manage the project. Sometimes they might cost more money upfront, but they'll get a project done in a month that you might take six to complete. Good luck!