As someone who is in the next county over and familiar with the area, I second what Wayne said. It's unfortunate that you don't like your neighbor, but I'm guessing that you lost your sympathy with the zoning board by exaggerating and overstating so much of the case at hand. I have a fleet of big trucks and heavy equipment too, and while they do need to build up air pressure for a few minutes, they need to leave the property to make money. That said, the grapple and bucket trucks in your video probably do stink when they start up but I would imagine that they are only onsite running in the morning before they leave and when they come back in the afternoon.
I can see where this would be frustrating, but it does seem like they're operating within their rights to run a business just the same as you. They aren't logging on the site; they're using it as a laydown yard/ parking lot for tree equipment. While you might have gotten some sympathy from zoning if you had been calm and logical about it, overstating a tree company as a "logging operation," calling the trucks earthquake machines, and making it sound like a grapple truck was destroying the building nust by running probably made the zoning guy think you were exaggerating about even the true parts of the story.
I don't think you have much you can do other than ask them to not idle so long in the morning and afternoon, and also to park farther away from the building.