This reminds me of a similar BP post for vancouver specifically.
There I gave my 2c:
"Vancouver wont crash!
Being born and raised in Sydney Australia I have seen real estate rise, rise and rise some more. Even when people thought it couldn't get more expensive it went up another 20% in Sydney last year.
Vancouver and Sydney are very similar in that they are the most desirable places to live in their countries and until recently Sydney was also in the top 5 in the world but now only Vancouver remains there. both cities are land locked, and they are also both beautiful harbor cities. Australia sells non-renewable resources as its main export to China and Canada doesn't sell much to china instead more Chinese/Asia invest in property in Vancouver, also in LNG companies and resource companies in BC etc. Canada sells more to the USA (~87% of exports).
Even when china slowed down some years ago and stopped buying from Australia, Sydney house prices did nothing but stay stable. At the same time and to this day Chinese folks with money continue to get their money they make out of china and hence invest in real estate in Vancouver mainly due to instability in their own country and most don't care if their investment appreciates as long as its holds it values.
Long story short even if china crashes prices will do nothing in Vancouver but remain stable or maybe fluctuate no more than 5% even if their is more inventory than buyers.
Vancouver is an amazing place to live and the more the world knows this the more the prices will rise.
This is why our investors and I continue to make great residual income through buy, renovate or build new and sell in Vancouver and will continue to do so for some time."
Interest rate will rise in a few years and when it does the market will slow down and I wont be offering $100K over asking - but it would take a world economic crash for it to really crash here in Vancouver.