@George Skidis Here is a post I recently wrote for a similar question:
"I have a park in Indiana and I use Universal Utilities. I looked into ABT as well prior to hiring Universal. I don't recall the exact reasons I did not like ABT but there were numerous issues I had with their costs and services. I priced meters prior to talking to Universal and when I received their pricing to install meters it was roughly the same price I would pay for just the meter itself. My guess is they get volume discounts and they don't gouge you on the install labor. Depending on what type of meter you get they run about $250 installed. The best part is that Universal reads, bills, collects, and performs shut off/on service all for the state allowed fee. My park in Illinois is direct billed so I don't know what Illinois' fee is but in Indiana it is $4 per tenant and is paid by the tenant. So, you are getting installed meters for the price that you would pay to buy the meters, and someone is reading them and billing/collecting on them and sending you a check. You pay exactly $0 for the billing/collection service. I have no idea why anyone would even consider doing their own billing when services like this exist. There are numerous dangers in self-billing. For instance, you could face major legal issues if you accidentally (ignorance is poor defense, especially in the Peoples Republic of Illinois) charge a tenant more than what you were charged plus the state allowed fee. That is not a hard thing to do. You also have the liability of your manager running around peoples yards once a month. Tripping hazards, snow, dogs, etc. can wreak havoc on that situation. I know many people want their manager rummaging around so they can look at potential issue but there are easier ways to get that done. The meter readers you would have to buy to do it yourself cost about $1200 for the cheap ones and twice that for the better ones. I cannot say for sure but I would think universal works in the Quincy area. I know they work in Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. If you use Rent Manager, Paylease also has a meter reading service that integrates into your Rent Manager software."