Originally posted by @Joshua Berube:
That is something that I have been addicted to lately. Podcasts. I work at a place where I am currently able to listen to a device and I have been like a sponge. for the last two months I have been listening on average of 44-48 hours a week. I can actually feel myself changing because of it. Im more focused, I;ve started running, Im eating better... overall just.. better..
Sounds like you're doing great from where you started. I just finished podcast 41 which as of today puts me 1/3 the way through the BP podcasts. It sounds like you're doing a lot better by yourself internally to help like the running and eating better. Crap food makes you feel like crap and steals motivation and energy.
I do have a question on how you're paying for the building itself. I'm making the assumption you are working currently in a wage job. Are you going to save up and build in parts as you can afford the cash. Such as save for the foundation then pay cash for it. Save up to pay for framing and boxing the structure in then pay for it. Then trades as you can afford them until the building is paid for free and clear?
Also, if you're considering building 2 duplexes instead of one 4plex, are you considering building 1 duplex first, getting renters, then building the second duplex?