@Jerryll Noorden
I think newbies should be told that but that doesn’t mean you can’t start with DM being your lead gen source. I started by mailing 250 postcards every week. Yes it took me 4 months to get a deal but it works.
When are you gonna tell newbies how SEO is a long term strategy that can take up to a year to get up to the top 3 on google? Look all channels have their pros and cons but don’t say that doing DM is a horrible idea so you can then post 50 million post showing “your justification” for your strategy which you then sell to people.
Yes I will continue to do DM. It's brought me a 673% ROI in 2018 and a 750% ROI in 2019 and helped me generate over $1MM in assignments.
Now before you say I’m not one of the smart ones I also do google PPC, Facebook ads, Cold Calling and do SEO and I’m still not at number one on google here in Orlando for it. You have to have multiple channels if you truly wanna scale