I have a weird attraction to the word Ghetto because it is most often used incorrectly. Believe me, I am anything but the grammar police but this is a word that I always gravitate towards in real estate because it means so many different things to different people. Technically speaking, it's "a part of a city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups."
I say that not to prove you are wrong, but instead to point out that buying in a "Ghetto" means different things to different people. So, what is it? is it a drug neighborhood,? notorious for murders? maybe just a poor neighboorhood? a neighborhood full of immigrants? or, is it just a bad building in a bad neighborhood?
I think the only answer is are you equipped to deal with the issues that need to be corrected, in order to make a profit on the building. If the numbers look right based on what I feel I can reasonably handle, then I will buy anywhere. I am also a large fan of stepping outside my comfort zone to learn new things, but it has to be done within reason.