Alright, Alright, you have pulled me out of my lurking ways and baited me with a topic that his home to me. Home because I grew up in Westwood, from the time I was born for the next 25 years, only taking time off to go to college. We recently purchased a 12 unit building in Westwood as well, so I would hope that criteria are enough to keep you reading.
@Jake Walroth , You said something that I always hear "Westwood is a warzone". This one really cracks me up, are there bad areas of Westwood, Yes, areas you may not want to be at night, Ohh hell yes. But does that condemn the entire area, ABSOLUTELY NOT!
You will hear it from a lot of people on here who have done some research on Westwood, "It's on a comeback". And honestly, they have done a ton of work to the public school, there is work being done on town hall, westside brewery, pop up street fests it really has it all. But, I am going to let you in on a little secret, Westwood has and always will be on a "Comeback". And quite frankly, I am not really sure what it is "Coming back to".
Westwood in and of itself will always be a very diverse community. There are high crime areas, as well as very nice areas to live in. Whenever someone tells me they bought in Westwood, I congratulate them and ask them where. For me, that tells me a lot about the individual investor. I have a colleague that probably 15-20 Units and Westwood, Units that would make most investors Jealous. Not just because of the numbers, but because of the actual buildings and quality.
@Paul Sian , Cheviot Sucks!! Man, the 6th grader in me just shined through. *Disclaimer* No one takes this as real estate advice, just the fact that a Westwood boy wouldn't dare to invest in Cheviot!