Yes, I've been following the HSR discussion and progress for years now as well. I own a property management company with rentals near the proposed ROW; also worked at the city in the Planning Dept. for about 6 years attempting to coordinate the prospective station with the Fulton Mall specific plan, the larger General Plan, and all of the layers of transit that could link up (light rail, bus rapid transit, busses, taxis, PRT, biking, walking, etc.) I know there is a lot of criticism about starting the HSR here in Fresno with the first run to Madera, but honestly the land acquisition and entitlement issues probably had to occur in an area that is the flattest with the least amount of urbanization in order to get it off the ground. It could have huge impacts on cities like Fresno, Madera, Merced, and Bakersfield by linking them to LA and the Bay. But as you said, it is going to be late 2020's before the first ticket to ride is issued and it would take some deep pockets to implement a buy and hold strategy to go after high density multi-family, conference, or hotel development.