Someone mentioned Sheriff Real Estate Sales earlier, but never explained a process of lead generating with it. So, Sheriff Real Estate Sales are all public record and a great way to get a free listing of pre foreclosed homes. I was not taught by anyone on how to approach these properties, just to get them off the county website, and print them out. What I've learned is that you want to print out the listing for the properties that are 2-3months away from court date. I used a alpha-numerical code (assigning A thru F to the properties listed on each page; E.g. 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D 2A, 2B, 2C, 15A, 15B, 15C etc...), Google sheets and a highlighter to organize the list by town. Once it was organized, I used the Route-4-Me App to build 4 routes w/ 35+ homes each. The first time doing all of this, it took me roughly 18 hours across four days. Second time around took me 3 hours in a single day. Once you do it the first time, the steps are already paved for you with the next month, so it becomes that much easier to generate. I'm doing it every 30 days to experiment, let me know how it goes if you try this. Good luck and any questions, just ask.