Chai, that would be a good idea, but there are 5 people that will get money when this sells, and I really think my uncle will just sell it quickly so he does not have to worry about it. I could be wrong, but I think that is how it will go down.
Marcus, my sisters husband is a janitor at an elementary school and does not make much. She is living in the house rent free because my uncle lives in Maryland, and no one else can take care of the house, so it would just be vacant. My sister does pay the property taxes and utilities of course, so that is why he allows her to live there. They can't sell the house until my grandma dies, and once that happens, I don't think that my uncle will care what happens to my sister and her family. I would love to help, but I don't want to make 2 house payments if she can't pay rent. I guess another option would be to have her just pay part of it and my husband and I cover the rest, but still not ideal, for us anyway.